Marie-Noëlle ROVINALTI GIOVANNANGELI Nutritherapy Practitioner, Certified AIP Coach, Bach Flower Consultant

Phone: +33 6 11 77 48 71
Email: [email protected]
*Also Practices Virtually Worldwide

Nutrithérapeute de formation spécialisée dans l’accompagnement des troubles digestifs, des maladies autoimmunes et intolérances/allergies alimentaires, je serai ravie de vous accueillir pour toute consultation pour un rééquilibrage alimentaire à l’automne 2022. Ma pratique s’appuie également sur l’utilisation de l’oligothérapie, des Fleurs de Bach et des huiles essentielles.

Elevée dans le respect de la nature avec une maman qui s’appuyait largement sur une alimentation bio et diététique et des soins homéopathiques, les médecines douces ont toujours fait partie intégrante de ma vie. Depuis la naissance de mon fils que l’on a diagnostiqué coeliaque, je me suis passionnée pour l’alimentation et son impact sur notre santé.

Un centre de bien-être situé au bord de la mer en Corse et exclusivement dédié à ces pathologies sera bientôt en mesure de vous accueillir pour des consultations en nutrithérapie, la mise en place du protocole AIP, des soins énergétiques et des ateliers formation (courant 2023).

Je consulterai à distance en français et en italien dès le mois d’octobre 2022.

Alice Dénoyers University Expert in Clinical Psychoneuroimmunology and Scientific Evidence, AIP Certified Coach

Phone: +00 376 361 074
Email: [email protected]
*Practices Virtually Worldwide

I’m Alice Dénoyers, a University Expert in Clinical Psychoneuroimmunology and Scientific Evidence. I’m French and based in Andorra, a very small country between Spain and France. I’m also studying to become a Registered Dietician.
I’ve been blogging about the autoimmune protocol and more generally about health and lifestyle since 2017. My blog,, which comes from “Health and Epigenetics” aims to share information and build a strong Spanish speaking community. I also manage a private Facebook group, also called Episalud, with the same objective.

I discovered my passion for the autoimmune protocol and integrative health in 2014, after living through an intense thyroid flare. This major health challenge drove me to learn all I could about Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, autoimmune disease, nutrition and lifestyle, so as to help others.

As a Certified AIP Coach, my mission is to share the message of the autoimmune protocol with the Spanish-speaking community and be part of the revolution in the conventional health paradigm.

A professional translator for more than 20 years, I’ve always been passionate about building bridges between communities and helping people understand each other.

My skills in different languages (French, Spanish, Catalan and English) allow me to bring up-to-date information about the AIP in these European cultures, where it is seriously lacking.

Charlotte de Roberval Executive Coach for Women, specialised in leadership and nutrition

Compiègne, France
*Also practices virtually worldwide

*English version below*

Charlotte de Roberval, Coach de femmes cadres dirigeantes et en fin de formation de diététicienne, spécialisée en nutrition et micronutrition des systèmes digestifs et hormonaux féminins.

Diplômée de l’EDHEC Lille en 2018, j’ai accumulé au cours de mon parcours des stages au sein d’entreprises réputées (Deloitte, Dassault Systèmes, Suez, Airbus) et des expériences à l’étranger (3 ans au Danemark, 2 ans en Allemagne, 6 mois en Thaïlande) qui m’ont permis d’entrevoir les entrailles du business et du management avant de me mettre à mon compte et de me spécialiser. Je m’appuie aussi sur ma formation de coach AIP et sur mon expérience de cheftaine et commissaire aux guides et scouts d’Europe. Je développe notamment à ma sauce les 5 buts du scoutisme : la santé, la formation du caractère, le sens du concret, le sens du service, la spiritualité.

Je vous propose ainsi un accompagnement simple et franc dans la recherche d’un équilibre global : physique, intellectuel, émotionnel et spirituel.

> Coaching exécutif
– Concilier féminité, maternité, et poste à responsabilité
– Modes de management et impacts
– Gestion du travail, des ressources humaines, du temps

> Coaching nutritionnel
– Alimentation à haute densité nutritionnelle
– Cuisine saine (ustensiles, modes de cuissons, qualité et labels des ingrédients)
– Organisation des repas et de l’intendance

> Coaching micronutritionnel
– Optimisation du système digestif, si troubles du transit, ballonnements, reflux, SIBO…
– Optimisation de la réponse immunitaire, si inflammation, allergies, auto-immunité…
– Optimisation des fonctions métaboliques et hormonales, si burnout, fatigue, insomnie, infertilité, endométriose…

Mes conseils constituent une approche préventive et ont pour but de recommander une bonne hygiène de vie. Je ne suis pas médecin et mes consultations ne se substituent pas à celles d’un professionnel de santé.
Charlotte de Roberval, Executive Coach for Women and currently studying to become a registered dietitian, specialised in nutrition and micronutrition of the digestive and female reproductive systems. Graduated from EDHEC Business School in 2018, I have down internships within renowned companies (Deloitte, Dassault Systèmes, Suez, Airbus) and gained experience out of France (3 years in Denmark, 2 years in Germany, 6 months in Thailand) which allowed me to glimpse the innards of business and management before setting out on my own and specializing.

I also draw on my training as an AIP coach and my experience as a scout leader. In particular, I develop the 5 goals of scouting in my own way: health, character formation, sense of concreteness, sense of service, spirituality. I therefore offer you simple and frank support in the search for overall balance: physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual.

> Executive coaching
– Reconcile femininity, motherhood and business executive responsibilities
– Management methods and their impacts
– Organisation of work, human resources, time management

> Nutritional coaching
– Food with high nutritional density
– Healthy cooking (utensils, cooking methods, quality and labels of ingredients)
– Kitchen organisation and meal planning

> Micronutritional coaching
– Optimization of the digestive system, if transit disorders, bloating, reflux, SIBO…
– Optimization of the immune response, if inflammation, allergies, autoimmunity…
– Optimization of metabolic and hormonal functions, if burn-out, fatigue, insomnia, infertility, endometriosis, etc.

My advices constitute a preventive approach and aim to recommend a healthy lifestyle. I am not a doctor and my consultations do not replace those of a health professional.

Sophie de Bonneval, HNTP, HLC, CGP Certified Nutrition Practitioner

Phone: +41 78 627 12 19
Email: [email protected]
Boulevard Helvétique, 30
Genève, Geneva 1207
*Practices Virtually Worldwide

Hello! My name is Sophie. I am certified in Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle, listed in the Registrar of Complementary Care Practitioners of the « Médecin Cantonal » of Geneva, and also a member of IEDM (Institut Européen de Diététique et Micronutrition) in Paris.

Over the years, I have gained expertise in food supplementation (micronutrients) as well as a wide clinical experience handling the autoimmune protocole on various conditions, especially Lupus Erythematosus, Sjögren’s disease (a.k.a. Syndrome de Gougerot-Sjögren en Français), Alopecia, Psoriasis and other AI diseases.

I offer in-person 1:1 consultation by appointment (in French or English with a French accent included 😉 to those who are seeking help on improving dramatically their quality of life.

I am happy to partner with medical doctors in providing support and guidance to their patients in implementing the necessary adjustments (optimizing their unique eating patterns and lifestyle) that will enhance the outcomes of their medical treatments.

Other things you might not know about me:
> Driven by passion and determination, I believe that there is always a solution
> I studied at Universities in France and the UK, worked in Mexico City, Paris and New York before settling in Geneva in 2009.
> I share my deep love of books & learning together with my husband and our 3+ yr old son.

Karine Kuczynski Naturopath & Ancestral Nutrition Consultant

Phone: +33 6 95 16 17 50
Email: [email protected]
*Also Practices Virtually Worldwide

Hello, I am Karine, I am a Naturopath and Ancestral Nutrition Coach. My goal is to help people with auto-immune conditions and digestive disorders gain faith in their body’s healing capacity.

I was myself diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (and suffered from irritable bowel syndrome prior to that). This led me to begin my very own journey through the realms of natural health. I couldn’t stay passive, I needed to educate myself and try things out. I soon realized that simple diet and lifestyle changes can make a big difference.

I have a holistic, functional and psychosomatic approach, that is I try to look for the profound causes of a given condition, be it physical, psychological or emotional. One of my tools is what I call “ancestral nutrition”, I coach my clients to come back to an ancestral diet: real nutrient dense food that’s adapted to our genetic heritage.

Let’s get started on your journey to a healthier you!

(I speak French, English, Spanish and Polish.)

Jan Steele, NTC Nutritional Therapy Consultant

Phone: +33 4 67 08 03 95
Email: [email protected]
Lieu-dit Le Prat
Saint André de Majencoules, Le Gard 30570
*Also Practices Virtually Worldwide

Based in the beautiful Cévenne mountains in the South of France, Jan Steele is a Nutritional Therapy Consultant, cooking instructor, and allergen-friendly vacation host. Broadly speaking, Jan helps people use FOOD as a means to feeling better in their bodies.

A graduate of the Pacific Institute of Culinary Arts, Jan accompanies people who want to adopt or better adhere to a specific diet (GF, paleo, AIP); she runs a teaching kitchen to help people reclaim healthful culinary traditions; she host individuals and groups to the Cévennes, ensuring that any and all dietary restrictions are respected to a “T” so that they can enjoy their holiday with confidence and peace of mind.

Christelle Sabini Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, AIP Certified Coach

Phone: +1 858-361-2526
Email: [email protected]
Del Mar, California
*Also Practices Virtually Worldwide

Christelle is a Functional Nutrition Practitioner based in San Diego, California. She spent her early years between France and the United Kingdom before settling in the United States, and today, she practices in person and virtually, with both French and English speaking clients.

Prior to discovering the field of functional wellness, Christelle worked as a corporate language coach in France. It was during this time that she began to wonder whether the birth control pill she had been taking for years was truly benefitting her. She had been prescribed oral contraceptives as a teenager to “help regulate her cycles”, and despite the unwanted side effects, she didn’t trust her body’s ability to function correctly without them. One day, she took a leap of faith, and decided it was time to ditch the pill and become educated on all things menstrual health. To her amazement, her cycle returned without any irregularities, and over time, she learned to track the subtle signs of hormone fluctuations occurring throughout the month. Better still, she discovered how impactful diet and lifestyle could be for her overall health. This newfound empowerment sparked a fire, and, following her international wedding and move to California, she trained with the Nutritional Therapy Association and began working with clients.

After being in practice for several years, she became certified with Functional Diagnostic Nutrition so as to incorporate functional lab testing and in-depth therapeutic modalities into her service offering. Being able to look under the hood and find hidden drivers of imbalance can be the missing link for many people with “mystery symptoms”.

Christelle’s calling to dig deep and help people elucidate their health mysteries arose from her own attempt to make sense of her father’s abrupt passing when she was 12. He suffered a fatal heart attack despite being told by his GP, a few weeks prior, that he was “healthy”. Somehow, the explanations provided by the conventional medical profession in the wake of this tragedy fell flat (genetics/bad luck/etc.). After all, he was 40 years old, and had no formerly diagnosed pathology. Looking back, she believes that he had all the telltale signs of metabolic disease. Unfortunately, this was back in the 90’s, when low-fat diets, margarine, and refined flour were deemed “wellness trends”.  It took years for her to transform her trauma into a quest to find answers – for herself and for her clients.

She often works with individuals who have also gone through similar traumatic life events, and while the scope of her practice is limited to physical wellness, she is deeply aware of the subtle body – mind interactions, and the ways in which trauma drives physical imbalance, particularly autoimmunity.

Today, she continues to consult with clients 1:1. She is also active in the French-speaking holistic health education space, teaching alongside likeminded practitioners.

As a Hashimoto’s patient herself, Christelle has profound empathy for those who suffer in silence. She loves to help her clients to find bio-individual solutions. Her approach is truly holistic.

Sonia Sidle, FNTP Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

Montgomery, TX, 77316
*Practices virtually Worldwide in French & English and in person locally in both languages as well

Hi, I am Sonia Sidle, Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP), certified by the Nutritional Therapy Association, Functional Blood Chemistry Specialist (FBCS) and Restorative Wellness Practitioner (RWP).

My journey to wellness started many years ago when I got diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. I had all kinds of symptoms such as dry skin, weight gain, foggy brain and more and I naively believed that conventional medicine would be able to help me out. For years I lived with those symptoms while suffering from endometriosis at the same time, and with no end in sight I decided that enough was enough. With the help of an integrative doctor, I discovered the AutoImmune Protocol (AIP) and was feeling better within three months. Then our teenage son was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s as well; within a month of following AIP, he felt better and his symptoms improved.

Going through all of this as a family really opened my eyes to the fact that food is medicine and I decided that I could help so many others dealing with the same type of issues. With my experience as a practitioner and as someone who has dealt with autoimmune diseases, I can help guide my clients individually or as a family either in-person or virtually.

Originally from France and living today in Montgomery, TX, I’m offering my services (HTMA, functional blood chemistry and food allergy & gut testing) as well as my AIP Coaching in English or French.

Vous parlez Français? En collaboration avec Ludy de Menten, une autre coach AIP, nous avons créé le programme “J’adopte l’AIP” 100% en ligne et en français pour mettre en place l’AIP en 6 semaines. Toutes les présentations, vidéos, ressources, fiches et recettes sont en français! Rejoignez-nous! pour en savoir plus.

Nathalie Kostman Certified Naturopath & AIP Coach

Lille, Hauts-de-France
*Also Practices Virtually Worldwide

Français – English – Polski

Naturopathe certifiée et formée dans une école agréée FÉNA, je vous accompagne au travers d’une approche individualisée et appropriée à vos besoins spécifiques ; alimentation, gestion des émotions, exercice physique, mais également d’autres techniques parallèles telles que la phytothérapie. J’accompagne notamment les personnes atteintes de maladie(s) auto-immune(s) de manière à leur permettre d’atteindre une santé fleurissante et une meilleure qualité de vie au travers de la gestion des symptômes.

Je consulte en français, anglais et polonais.


As a certified naturopath, I work with my client through a holistic and individualized approach, ; nutrition, stress management, physical activity, and other alternative techniques such as herbal medicine. I specialized in autoimmune disease(s) in order to help promote a better quality of life by balancing symptoms, which results in a flourishing health.

Originally from Poland and living today in France, I’m offering my services in French, English & Polish.

Sarah Sylvia Kremer Naturopath - Nutritional Therapist - AIP Certified Coach

Phone: +972 55-940-3615
Email: [email protected]
Centre Medical Neve Tzedek
Lilienblum Street 6
Tel Aviv, ISRAEL 6513116
*Also Practices Virtually Worldwide

I practice as a naturopath first in France and now in Israel. My experience over the years, allows me to treat my patients successfully in Naturopathy, in particular by a complete health assessment using the Physioscan, magnetic resonance device, and care, programs and assessments: nutritional assessment, treatment detox, slimming program, program for the remission of symptoms of autoimmune diseases, emotional coaching …


Training of Naturopath Heilpratiker with CERS TA in Geneva, for 3 years
Physioscan magnetic resonance training
Naturopathic training with IFSH for 2 years
Training in Plantar Reflexology with IFSH

Professional experience

I have several years of experience as a naturopath and I have specialized in health check-ups, nutrition, allergies diseases, slimming programs .

I have had positive results after treating patients for the following conditions:

Chronic fatigue, stress
hypertension and arteriosclerosis
Weight loss
Type 2 diabetes
Thyroid disorders
Disorders of the intestinal flora
Circulatory problems
Eczema, yeast infection
Muscle and joint pain
Acidity problems
and many other pathologies

A diet with good nutritional quality provides good health. The nutritional assessment is like a survey to analyze your diet, to identify any mistakes to avoid, your specific needs according to your age, gender, blood group and activities, food deficiencies and excess, food intolerances and allergies. Each disease requires a specific nutritional program which accompanies the healing process and especially autoimmune diseases which require an increase that reduces intestinal inflammation, allergic reaction and antibody production.

Slimming program
Detox cure
Nutritional support for people suffering from chronic inflammation of the intestine
Nutritional support for people with autoimmune disease
Regeneration of the microbiota
Rebalancing food deficiencies and surpluses



The AIP Certified Coach certification program is a general information training program facilitated by AIP Certified Coach LLC for those who already possess licenses and/or certifications in the medical, health-coaching, and/or nutrition fields and want to further their learning.

The coaches in the AIP Certified Coach directory have completed informational curriculum through the AIP Certified Coach Program. This directory is provided as a courtesy, and AIP Certified Coach LLC does not vet, endorse or recommend specific practitioners.

The AIP Certified Coach certification is not a license or board certification. It does not entitle practitioners to give nutrition counseling or address, treat, or diagnose any nutritional, medical, psychological, or physiological conditions.

Practitioners listed in the AIP Certified Coach directory are not employees, independent contractors, partners, or agents of AIP Certified Coach LLC. Certified coaches are granted limited license to use the company’s name in connection with their coaching services. The company is not responsible for, nor does it monitor, any of the coaching that is provided to private clients.

By using this directory, you agree not to hold AIP Certified Coach LLC responsible for the background, education, licensure, scope of practice, training, or clinical expertise of any practitioner you may contact through these courtesy listings. Should you experience poor service or an unsatisfactory outcome from any practitioner listed here, you will not hold AIP Certified Coach LLC responsible.

Before hiring any practitioner, you agree that it is your responsibility to investigate if their license, training, scope of practice, and expertise is a good match for your current health situation. By using this site, you agree that the use of the AIP Certified Coach Directory is at your own risk.


AIP Certified Coach LLC, and its directors, employees, partners, agents, suppliers, and affiliates, shall not be liable for any loss, claim, injury, or damage of any kind resulting in any way from any errors or omissions stemming from your use of the AIP Certified Coach directory or any services or products obtained or obtainable from the Company.