Kat Cirone Certified Nutrition Coach

Phone: +1 619-804-6361
Email: [email protected]
Broomfield, Colorado
*Also Practices Virtually Worldwide

I am an autoimmune disease sufferer with my first condition being diagnosed in 2017 as Undifferentiated Spondylitis, and shortly after in 2019 when I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. Upon my diagnoses of Hashimoto’s I decided to try AIP on my own and the results were astounding. My journey through AIP made me want to pursue my own business in nutrition coaching with the ultimate goal of helping others who suffer from autoimmune conditions. I currently coach athletes of all ages and after becoming AIP certified plan to expand my practice to helping those who suffer from autoimmune diseases take control over their heath.

Olga Turkova Nutritionist, Nutritional Therapist, Health- and Culinary-Coach

Phone: +35799663357
Email: [email protected]
*Practices Virtually Worldwide

Меня зовут Ольга Туркова. Я нутрициолог, специалист по лечебным протоколам питания, health-коуч, кулинарный коуч. А ещё, я человек с целым спектром аутоиммунных состояний. У меня диагностированы аутоиммунный тиреоидит, аутоиммунный гастрит, псориаз и псориатический артрит.

В течение многих лет конвенциональные методы лечения не приносили желаемого результата. Моё самочувствие было далеко от идеального. Я не могла полноценно работать и проживать свою лучшую жизнь.

Но я не сдавалась. Я чувствовала, что решение существует, и искала его. В какой-то момент я узнала об аутоиммунном протоколе, и всё сразу стало на свои места. На собственном опыте я убедилась в том, что образ жизни и питание имеют решающее значение в деле достижения ремиссии.

Мои диагнозы по-прежнему со мной, но качество жизни и уровень здоровья несравнимо выше, чем они были до аутоиммунного протокола. Я снова стала полноценным членом общества с желанием жить, работать, делиться своим опытом.

Постепенно я задумалась о смене рода деятельности, получила образование в области нутрициологии и коучинга и начала помогать другим профессионально.

Я знаю, как составить полноценный рацион питания для клиентов с аутоиммунными состояниями и не только, как внедрить полезные привычки, как скорректировать образ жизни, чтобы он был во благо, а не во вред. Буду рада видеть вас на своих программах. Приходите и почувствуйте разницу между «до» и «после»!

My name is Olga Turkova. I am a nutritionist, a nutritional therapist, a health- and culinary-coach. And as it happens, I am also a person “blessed” with a whole range of autoimmune conditions. I have been diagnosed with autoimmune thyroiditis, autoimmune gastritis, psoriasis, and psoriatic arthritis.

For many years the conventional therapy methods failed on me. My health was poor, and I was unable to do any proper work and live my best life. But I never gave up. I knew there was a way and searched for the right means to resolve my health crisis. I once learned about the autoimmune protocol, and all of it started to make sense.

My personal experience on the protocol has shown that the correct lifestyle and good diet are critical to going into remission. I still have my conditions, but the autoimmune protocol has enabled me to vastly improve quality of my life and health status.

I have gone back to being a normal, active human being able to socialize, live, work and share my experiences. At some point I realized I needed a career change, did formal nutritionist and coaching training, and began to help others as a certified professional. I know how to help clients with autoimmune and other conditions with their dietary requirements.

I know how to assist them with transitioning to a better, healthier lifestyle that brings real benefits to their lives. I would be delighted to welcome you to one of my programs. Come and join me to make your life better and healthier!

Lucie Šitinová Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

Prague, CZ
Czech Republic

I am Lucie and I am here to help you with your autoimmune disease. My own struggle with autoimmune rheumatoid arthritis thought me how powerful changes in what you are eating and in your lifestyle can be. Let me introduce you the whole concept of AIP protocol and lead and support you through all the (sometimes pretty challenging) changes so that you can feel your best!

I am a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner since 2015, specialized in paleo and lower-carb diets and lifestyle. Now I am also an AIP certified coach, not only helping through 1:1 meetings (both in-person and online) but also teaching workshops and giving public lectures (mostly in Prague, CZ) to spread the word about AIP even more. I also offer a group coaching program.

Food is my great passion since I was a child, you can find a lot of AIP, paleo or low-carb recipes on my website. I can help you with tips about cooking, making everything easier and faster, such as cooking in batches, finding new recipes that even your family will love etc.
I am really looking forward to meeting you!

Pomůžu Vám s Vašimi autoimunitními obtížemi! Před lety mi diagnostikovali revmatoidní artritidu, ale už jsem více jak dva roky zcela bez příznaků. To mě naučilo, jak silné mohou změny v životním stylu a jídelníčku být. Ráda Vám představím celý koncept AIP protokolu a provedu Vás celým procesem (který může být docela náročný!). Přizpůsobíme Vám ho na míru, aby pro Vás byl co nejmenším stresem a přitom co nejrychlejší cestou, jak se cítit lépe!

Vystudovala jsem VŠCHT, v roce 2015 jsem si dostudovala výživové poradenství a od té doby pomáhám klientům se zájmem o paleo nebo low carb stravování. A od roku 2020 jsem i AIP kouč – pomáhám jednotlivcům, ale dělám i workshopy (online nebo na živo v Praze), abych s AIP seznámila co nejvíce lidí. Mou motivací je dát co nejvíce lidem o AIP vědět, aby mohli vzít své zdraví více do svých rukou.

Mou velkou vášní je jídlo a vaření, spoustu AIP a nízkosacharidových receptů najdete i na mém webu. Mohu Vám také pomoct s vařením, ukázat tipy a triky na zrychlení a jednodušení práce, už více než 10 let také dělám kurzy vaření pro úplné začátečníky.
Pokud Vás něco zaujalo, dejte mi vědět – těším se na naši spolupráci!

Jennifer Dillman Traditional Doctor of Naturopathy, Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

Henryville, Indiana
*Practices Virtually Worldwide

Hi, I’m Dr. Jen. As a Traditional Doctor of Naturopathy and a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, I take a comprehensive approach in addressing each client’s health needs. I want to understand your goals and your challenges while identifying deficiencies and strategies to optimize your health. I want you to feel heard and empowered to make the changes you need to make in order to improve your outcomes. This is not a cookie-cutter approach – we work together to make an actionable plan that works for you. Let’s have a chat and see how I can come alongside you in your journey.

Sarah Sylvia Kremer Naturopath - Nutritional Therapist - AIP Certified Coach

Phone: +972 55-940-3615
Email: [email protected]
Centre Medical Neve Tzedek
Lilienblum Street 6
Tel Aviv, ISRAEL 6513116
*Also Practices Virtually Worldwide

I practice as a naturopath first in France and now in Israel. My experience over the years, allows me to treat my patients successfully in Naturopathy, in particular by a complete health assessment using the Physioscan, magnetic resonance device, and care, programs and assessments: nutritional assessment, treatment detox, slimming program, program for the remission of symptoms of autoimmune diseases, emotional coaching …


Training of Naturopath Heilpratiker with CERS TA in Geneva, for 3 years
Physioscan magnetic resonance training
Naturopathic training with IFSH for 2 years
Training in Plantar Reflexology with IFSH

Professional experience

I have several years of experience as a naturopath and I have specialized in health check-ups, nutrition, allergies diseases, slimming programs .

I have had positive results after treating patients for the following conditions:

Chronic fatigue, stress
hypertension and arteriosclerosis
Weight loss
Type 2 diabetes
Thyroid disorders
Disorders of the intestinal flora
Circulatory problems
Eczema, yeast infection
Muscle and joint pain
Acidity problems
and many other pathologies

A diet with good nutritional quality provides good health. The nutritional assessment is like a survey to analyze your diet, to identify any mistakes to avoid, your specific needs according to your age, gender, blood group and activities, food deficiencies and excess, food intolerances and allergies. Each disease requires a specific nutritional program which accompanies the healing process and especially autoimmune diseases which require an increase that reduces intestinal inflammation, allergic reaction and antibody production.

Slimming program
Detox cure
Nutritional support for people suffering from chronic inflammation of the intestine
Nutritional support for people with autoimmune disease
Regeneration of the microbiota
Rebalancing food deficiencies and surpluses

Shari Hussenbocus, MS, RD Integrative & Functional Medicine Dietitian Integrative & Functional Medicine Dietitian

Phone: +230 5829 4881
Email: [email protected]
*Practices virtually worldwide

Are you willing to be more than just ‘meh, fiiiiine…’?

Are you prepared to dig deeper into your health issues? I mean really understand the nuts-and-bolts of YOUR health ‘knots’?

Are you ready to step outside your comfort zone to find out what works (and what doesn’t) for you so as to untie these knots?

Are you okay with the idea of working on improving your current behavioral and lifestyle habits?

Do you wish to become the master of your own health? To finally be at home in your body?

If you’re ready to build an energetic, healthy future that will tilt your world on its axis, let’s connect!

Hi, I’m Shari. I’m a functional RD (living on the tiny island of Mauritius) for people who want results. And are ready to do the heavy-lifting. (Don’t worry; I keep it real – if you have a mortgage, I won’t ask you to quit your job and become a full-time knitter of tiny pirate scarves for hamsters.)

— What kind of RD am I —
I was trained as a conventional RD. Life events (read PCOS and juvenile arthritis + lots of autoimmune issues in the family) encouraged me to relearn everything. You see, implementing conventional nutrition guidelines was making me sicker. And they weren’t helping my patients.

Over the years, I have specialized in nutrition for PCOS and digestive health.

— What to expect if you work with me —
Coaching with me goes deep – we won’t just look at what you eat or how you sleep. We’ll also explore why you eat the way you do, what you’re really hungry for. We’ll get underneath the excuses to unleash the stuff that is really holding you back from becoming a healthier, happier version of yourself.

And yes, I’ll keep you accountable.

Because if you say you’re going to do something, I’ll totally check in to see if you did!

This way, with my 100% support, YOU will craft your very own health guidelines.

Marcia Cesario, RNC, CNHP Registered Nutritional Counsellor, Certified Natural Health Practitioner

Ontario, Canada
*Practices Virtually Worldwide

Hi, I am Marcia. I am a Registered Nutritional Counsellor, Certified Functional Nutritionist and Certified Bioindividual Nutrition Practitioner. I am also a proud Certified AutoImmune Paleo Coach and Nutrigenomics Counsellor.

Nutrition is my Passion and I am here to help you through your journey to a happier and healthier life.

Understanding how food and lifestyle affected my own health helped me overcome years of anxiety, brain fog, fatigue and digestive disturbances connected to gluten and dairy intolerances. I experienced the power of nutrient-dense, healing foods and used my education and experience to help my husband and my kids overcome their health challenges and reverse their Autoimmune diseases.

I believe that everybody can change their lives towards a healthful and happier life – and I can help you uncover your food sensitivities, understand your symptoms (and listen to your body), optimize your digestion and restore your mind and body’s health. I also believe that welcoming all that is positive in our lives can really help us in our journey.

I especially love working with kids, and have specialized in inflammatory skin diseases and food sensitivities/intolerances. I love how smart the AIP Protocol is, and in my practice I also like bringing in principles from other healing diets and strategically customize the dietary intervention for my clients.

I live a simple, healthful, happy and allergy-free life with my family surrounded by wholesome, nutrient-dense foods. We incorporate yoga and meditation in our daily lives and a lot of music from all over the world. My husband and my kids and are my inspiration for so many kid-approved AIP-friendly recipe creations.

I am passionate about the microbiome, genomics and autoimmune research, and I enjoy creating simple and nutritious recipes in my kitchen for my family.

Lilah Wise Certified Health Coach

Phone: +1 917-509-4316
Email: [email protected]
*Practices Virtually Worldwide

I am an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. I love helping clients empower themselves in their health and in their lives. I believe everyone has the power to reclaim their health and I provide the information, support, accountability and structure my clients need to take their lives to the next level. Nothing is more rewarding than a client’s progress! I work virtually from New York City. I have three children, one of whom suffers from Celiac disease. I am also very interested in helping parents of kids with Celiac or other autoimmune issues as well. I love cooking, food, pets, and the AIP community and the focus on nutrient-dense whole foods. For more, check out or my blog at

Jaimee R. Kimmel Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

Cave Creek, Arizona
*Practices Virtually Worldwide

Hi, My name is Jaimee Kimmel and I’m a nutritional therapy practitioner (NTP) located in Cave Creek, AZ which is just outside of Phoenix.

I have gone through the AIP myself, so I know how challenging it can feel and how rewarding the outcome can be! After I was diagnosed with asthma, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and mold illness, I found the AIP and used it to support my body during my healing.

The process of supporting your body during your healing journey is hardwork, so I work with my clients to find easy and simple changes they can incorporate into their life without feeling overwhelmed.

I provide a special focus on lung health, thyroid health, and environmental toxicities as well as women dealing with fatigue, chronic pain, and brain fog.

We work to find the root cause of these issues using nutritional therapy and the AIP so you can live your life the way you want.



The AIP Certified Coach certification program is a general information training program facilitated by AIP Certified Coach LLC for those who already possess licenses and/or certifications in the medical, health-coaching, and/or nutrition fields and want to further their learning.

The coaches in the AIP Certified Coach directory have completed informational curriculum through the AIP Certified Coach Program. This directory is provided as a courtesy, and AIP Certified Coach LLC does not vet, endorse or recommend specific practitioners.

The AIP Certified Coach certification is not a license or board certification. It does not entitle practitioners to give nutrition counseling or address, treat, or diagnose any nutritional, medical, psychological, or physiological conditions.

Practitioners listed in the AIP Certified Coach directory are not employees, independent contractors, partners, or agents of AIP Certified Coach LLC. Certified coaches are granted limited license to use the company’s name in connection with their coaching services. The company is not responsible for, nor does it monitor, any of the coaching that is provided to private clients.

By using this directory, you agree not to hold AIP Certified Coach LLC responsible for the background, education, licensure, scope of practice, training, or clinical expertise of any practitioner you may contact through these courtesy listings. Should you experience poor service or an unsatisfactory outcome from any practitioner listed here, you will not hold AIP Certified Coach LLC responsible.

Before hiring any practitioner, you agree that it is your responsibility to investigate if their license, training, scope of practice, and expertise is a good match for your current health situation. By using this site, you agree that the use of the AIP Certified Coach Directory is at your own risk.


AIP Certified Coach LLC, and its directors, employees, partners, agents, suppliers, and affiliates, shall not be liable for any loss, claim, injury, or damage of any kind resulting in any way from any errors or omissions stemming from your use of the AIP Certified Coach directory or any services or products obtained or obtainable from the Company.