What was your experience with AIP Certified Coach and how has it changed your approach?
“1. The presentations were excellent. The information was clear, relevant, and science based. The slides were fantastic! I'm glad to have a copy for review.
2. The handouts were so thorough. I liked color coding for coaches and clients.
3. I like the content/layout of the course. It was well organized and built on each week. I also like the repetition of core AIP standards and best practices throughout the course.
I have already updated all of my client handouts and put together a "studies" folder to share with clients and physicians.”
Susan Carter, RN (Spring 2024 Class)
“The handouts, by a mile. They are worth their weight in gold.”
Noelle Poulos, RN (Spring 2024 Class)
“My experience with AIP Certified Coach links me with proven protocols, evidence-based research reference, and the leaders… the very individuals crafting valuable paths of support and research that are positively affecting the landscape of autoimmune condition management and the management of chronic disease. In my mind and experience these individuals are truth tellers. They are heroes. And their curriculum, which shares their AIP coaching knowledge, is both noble and altruistic.”
Kathleen Fitzgerald, RN, BSN, PCCN (Fall 2021 class)
“I have personal experience with AIP but have learned a lot from this program. I feel more confident speaking with other healthcare professionals about the scientific basis of this protocol. It not only has helped me with my own autoimmune journey but I'm excited to implement certain aspects of it in my coaching programs to better help others with autoimmune disease.”
Kimberly Wolfe, RN (Spring 2021 class)
“It was a seamless experience, start to finish, with plenty of support, easy access to the online teaching portion, and access to a great learning community.”
Imei Hsu, RN, Licensed Mental Health Counselor (Fall 2020 class)
“My experience with AIP Certified Coach was just what I was looking for at a price I could afford. I feel better prepared to work with and coach patients with autoimmune disease.”
Emilie Davis, MScN (Spring 2019 class)
“This course helped provide the building blocks and foundation necessary to support & guide my clients dealing with both simple or complicated autoimmune conditions. It also provided a good supportive network, case studies and troubleshooting skills which I'm sure will prove to be valuable.”
Patricia Forquer, RN (Winter 2018 class)
“The AIP Certified Coach program was very well laid-out, comprehensive, and the materials were very robust and informative. I very much enjoyed the videos and learning from others on the Facebook group. I am looking forward to collaborating with the other coaches from my cohort on an autoimmune group program this coming year. I've learned how much need there is for coaching in this area as autoimmune conditions are on the rise. I love that I now have a framework and toolkit to use with my clients through the coaching process.”
Shelley Meyers, RN, FMCA, CHC, CFSP (Summer 2017 class)
What were the top three most valuable aspects of the AIP Certified Coach program?
“Getting the scientific basics well taught was important so I can relay the information to clients in terms they can comfortably understand, setting the guidelines for a supportive foundation of the elimination phase and a framework to guide clients through the challenges and hurdles of implementing the reintroduction phase.”
Patricia Forquer, RN (Winter 2018 class)
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