Lindsay Peter-Contesse, MS, RD, LDN Registered Dietitian, Licensed Dietitian/Nutritionist and AIP Certified Coach

Nashville, Tennessee

Hi, I am Lindsay Peter Contesse, dietitian and owner of Nashville Autoimmune Nutrition, LLC. I specialize in autoimmune diseases and gut issues. Autoimmune diseases are complex and present differently for each person. From sorting through recommendations of food choices, supplements, medications, or even being told there is no solution, or “It’s all in your head,”—it can be completely overwhelming. I focus on the whole person in approaching these issues with clients by looking for the root cause of symptoms, and addressing all aspects of the client’s lifestyle, including nutrition, stress, sleep, movement, and more.

Managing chronic illness can be exhausting, confusing, and lonely. The journey to healing is not always a straight line. I provide a comprehensive assessment and ongoing support to make adjustments in your journey to healing. Follow up appointments allow for discussing progress, adjusting nutritional & lifestyle plans, and creating manageable next steps.

Each client is different. Some common goals include: symptom relief, healing, and regaining a better quality of life. In working together and setting goals, we ensure they are realistic, achievable, and will work within your lifestyle. If anything above resonates with you, I would love to hear your story.

Mary Wilson Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

Seattle Washington
*Also Practices Virtually Worldwide

Hello! I’m Mary a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition. Like you or someone you know, I’m on the autoimmune disease spectrum. I co-founded Evergreen Wellness Academy with another Functional Nutritionist who is also on the autoimmune spectrum, and our experiences are what have driven us to create Evergreen Wellness Academy for you. Our goal is to provide you with the care and support that we, like so many autoimmune warriors, never received but absolutely deserve.

The power of diet and lifestyle first caught my attention when I was informed by my doctor that I was running full speed toward pre-diabetes. Unfortunately, I did not get much guidance from my doctor and ended up having to figure out how to help myself.

In the process of learning how to balance my blood sugar, my thyroid antibodies started to come down. Symptoms related to my under-performing thyroid also began to diminish. The power of nutrient-dense food and supportive lifestyle techniques was undeniable. I knew I had to spread the word far and wide about my experience in the hopes that it would inspire others to consider doing the same for themselves.

The experience of having to educate and advocate for myself is what led me to focus on supporting women challenged by autoimmune disease. I don’t want anyone to experience the loneliness, frustration, and overwhelm that I and too many others have experienced. I’m here for you, let’s work together!

Charlotte de Roberval Executive Coach for Women, specialised in leadership and nutrition

Compiègne, France
*Also practices virtually worldwide

*English version below*

Charlotte de Roberval, Coach de femmes cadres dirigeantes et en fin de formation de diététicienne, spécialisée en nutrition et micronutrition des systèmes digestifs et hormonaux féminins.

Diplômée de l’EDHEC Lille en 2018, j’ai accumulé au cours de mon parcours des stages au sein d’entreprises réputées (Deloitte, Dassault Systèmes, Suez, Airbus) et des expériences à l’étranger (3 ans au Danemark, 2 ans en Allemagne, 6 mois en Thaïlande) qui m’ont permis d’entrevoir les entrailles du business et du management avant de me mettre à mon compte et de me spécialiser. Je m’appuie aussi sur ma formation de coach AIP et sur mon expérience de cheftaine et commissaire aux guides et scouts d’Europe. Je développe notamment à ma sauce les 5 buts du scoutisme : la santé, la formation du caractère, le sens du concret, le sens du service, la spiritualité.

Je vous propose ainsi un accompagnement simple et franc dans la recherche d’un équilibre global : physique, intellectuel, émotionnel et spirituel.

> Coaching exécutif
– Concilier féminité, maternité, et poste à responsabilité
– Modes de management et impacts
– Gestion du travail, des ressources humaines, du temps

> Coaching nutritionnel
– Alimentation à haute densité nutritionnelle
– Cuisine saine (ustensiles, modes de cuissons, qualité et labels des ingrédients)
– Organisation des repas et de l’intendance

> Coaching micronutritionnel
– Optimisation du système digestif, si troubles du transit, ballonnements, reflux, SIBO…
– Optimisation de la réponse immunitaire, si inflammation, allergies, auto-immunité…
– Optimisation des fonctions métaboliques et hormonales, si burnout, fatigue, insomnie, infertilité, endométriose…

Mes conseils constituent une approche préventive et ont pour but de recommander une bonne hygiène de vie. Je ne suis pas médecin et mes consultations ne se substituent pas à celles d’un professionnel de santé.
Charlotte de Roberval, Executive Coach for Women and currently studying to become a registered dietitian, specialised in nutrition and micronutrition of the digestive and female reproductive systems. Graduated from EDHEC Business School in 2018, I have down internships within renowned companies (Deloitte, Dassault Systèmes, Suez, Airbus) and gained experience out of France (3 years in Denmark, 2 years in Germany, 6 months in Thailand) which allowed me to glimpse the innards of business and management before setting out on my own and specializing.

I also draw on my training as an AIP coach and my experience as a scout leader. In particular, I develop the 5 goals of scouting in my own way: health, character formation, sense of concreteness, sense of service, spirituality. I therefore offer you simple and frank support in the search for overall balance: physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual.

> Executive coaching
– Reconcile femininity, motherhood and business executive responsibilities
– Management methods and their impacts
– Organisation of work, human resources, time management

> Nutritional coaching
– Food with high nutritional density
– Healthy cooking (utensils, cooking methods, quality and labels of ingredients)
– Kitchen organisation and meal planning

> Micronutritional coaching
– Optimization of the digestive system, if transit disorders, bloating, reflux, SIBO…
– Optimization of the immune response, if inflammation, allergies, autoimmunity…
– Optimization of metabolic and hormonal functions, if burn-out, fatigue, insomnia, infertility, endometriosis, etc.

My advices constitute a preventive approach and aim to recommend a healthy lifestyle. I am not a doctor and my consultations do not replace those of a health professional.

Tomesha Campbell Health Consultant

Phone: +1 617-600-8575
Email: [email protected]
*Practices virtually worldwide

My name is Tomesha Campbell, and I’m a health consultant certified through the National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association and Precision Nutrition. With a diverse background in health coaching and international development, I bring a fresh perspective to managing autoimmune diseases. I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and Sjogren’s syndrome in 2019, and I have utilized the Autoimmune Protocol to manage my symptoms. In addition, I use my knowledge and expertise to support others to do the same. While I’m currently based in Watertown, Massachusetts, I help clients virtually worldwide.

Renee Andreasen Functional Nutrition Counselor, IIN Certified Health Coach and AIP Certified Coach

Phone: +1 206-418-9941
Email: [email protected]
Bothell, Washington
*Also Practices Virtually Worldwide

Hi. I’m Renee Andreasen, a Holistic Health Coach in Seattle, Washington. I have a virtual practice called Healthy Inspired You.

Your life is too precious to have chronic problems limiting your life. Let’s take charge and get you back to feeling energetic and inspired.

I believe in the power of AIP because of my own experience and how it’s helped my clients get their life back.

When I hit 40 I fell apart, couldn’t get out of bed and was on disability for 3 months. I found out that I had chronic Mono, parasites and Dysbiosis, Leaky Gut, Celiac and Hypothyroid. THIS was the reason for my almost life-long fatigue and anxiety. For years, Dr.’s told me I was “fine” but I didn’t feel “fine”. I realized that conventional medicine was not designed to help me and that I needed to take control of my health.

I found out about AIP from a book I saw on my friend’s shelf. I self-taught and implemented. It was hard and a major life overhaul, but it worked! At the time I didn’t know you could get a coach and would have if I understood how they could have helped me. Because of my own experience using the power of AIP I decided to become a Coach so I could help others simplify their healing journey.

I didn’t expect that my first major client would be my 12 year old son. Shortly after my health turnaround, he got diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. It was devastating. Now he was the one who could barely get out of bed.

So, again, I took charge. I assembled his team, became the boss of his healing and we got to work. By using my knowledge, training and experience we are able to manage his IBD through food and lifestyle as medicine.

Through my family’s experience and then those of my clients, I believe deeply in the body’s ability to heal given the right conditions.

I also partner with a Naturopathic doctor so you can get testing, a firm diagnosis, and supplement support if you don’t already have it. We’d love to help you.

Jennifer Dillman Traditional Doctor of Naturopathy, Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

Henryville, Indiana
*Practices Virtually Worldwide

Hi, I’m Dr. Jen. As a Traditional Doctor of Naturopathy and a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, I take a comprehensive approach in addressing each client’s health needs. I want to understand your goals and your challenges while identifying deficiencies and strategies to optimize your health. I want you to feel heard and empowered to make the changes you need to make in order to improve your outcomes. This is not a cookie-cutter approach – we work together to make an actionable plan that works for you. Let’s have a chat and see how I can come alongside you in your journey.

Alison Bagley Health and Wellness Coach

Phone: +1 801-699-6665
Email: [email protected]
* Practices Virtually Worldwide

Hi there! My name is Ali, I have been seeking health for myself (i am currently living well with Limited Scleroderma) and others for most of my adult life. I have gone down the wrong paths and the right paths on this journey and now I would love to help you find your right path to health! Whether you are suffering from an Autoimmune Disease like me, or are searching to shed some unnecessary body mass that wreaks havoc with your health, I would love to help you find that day when you can say, “yah, I feel pretty good!” My Mission is to help all clients create a Healthy and Sustainable Life full of Energy. Through the use of Whole food, which is the “best drug” available, I will help educate and Ignite passion to find and stick with Healthy Habits for Life!

Judy Noyes Registered Dental Hygienist, Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, AIP Certified Coach, Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition

Phone: +1 781-956-7708
Email: [email protected]
Marshfield, Massachusetts
*Also Practices Virtually Worldwide

Hi! I’m a wife, mom, Registered Dental Hygienist of over 25 years, Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, and an AIP Certified Coach. I had a shift in my career due to my diagnosis of Hashimoto’s Disease. After being diagnosed, my physician told me that there wasn’t anything more that I could do to prevent further deterioration of my thyroid, other than taking my prescription. Thankfully, I knew better. At that point, I called on my acupuncturist, chiropractor and Functional MD. I just knew that I could feel better and would no longer accept feeling awful. Somehow, in my sickest days, I stumbled upon AIP. I thought that I’d try it out for 2 weeks and I started to feel so much improvement! Years later, I have a new career built on my own experiences. I’ve supported so many clients to achieve their health goals and all the while learning from them and strengthening my knowledge, understanding and empathy. Together, we will work on the foundations of health to restore and nourish your body, mind and soul.

Mayra Santana Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

Phone: +1 541-241-6529
Email: [email protected]
Bend Oregon
*Also Practices Virtually Worldwide

Hello friend!

If you’re like us, we get you.

We were also in the frustrating stage of : why do I feel like this? Wait, what?! wait until it gets worse so that we can start medication?! Heck no.

That’s why we’re here. We deep dive as to who you are, genes and all, down to a cellular level. We use the power of food, nature, and your genetic makeup to give your body what it was crying for. We look at your diet, sleep, movement, stress levels and look at your body as a whole- holistically.

We especially love working with those that have blood sugar imbalances, such as diabetes, autoimmune issues, or those that just want to improve overall healthy eating habits.

Think of us as your health and food coach team. By the way, My name is Mayra- I’m the holistic nutritionist in this operation. My husband Oscar is the real star- with his amazing abilities as a long time chef to make ANY food taste good!

Excited to meet you soon!

Marivi (Maria Virginia) Gonzalez Certified Nutritional Coach

Phone: +507 6244-7334
Email: [email protected]
Edificio RBS Tower Punta Paitilla
piso 6, oficina 604
Panama, Panama 00000

I’m Marivi – a Hashimoto warrior and a thyroid patient advocate practicing virtually worldwide. I’m fluent in English and Spanish. I help successful and independent women who are frustrated with their thyroid to control their health naturally, so they can get their body back and love their life.

After being diagnosed with Celiac Disease, and Hashimoto’s, I was told repeatedly that dietary changes were irrelevant. My own experience couldn’t be more different, which led me to become a relentless proponent for the healing power of food and become a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner. I’m also trained by Dr. Allison Siebecker on the management of SIBO, taken Dr. Datis Kharrazian Hashimoto’s Clinical Strategies and Treatment Applications course.

My healing journey has been a roller coaster ride. I have had many challenges from Hashimoto’s, SIBO, Clostridium difficile (C. diff), candida, Breast Implant Illness (BII), and Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (Mold Illness). I’m incredibly appreciative of the experience and the process, which has allowed me to understand what it takes to get to the other side and regain my health. If you’re ready to take the first step, let’s talk! Complimentary 15-minute discovery calls are available.

Soy Marivi, guerrera Hashimoto y defensora de pacientes con problemas de tiroides. Practico virtualmente y hablo inglés y español con fluidez. Ayudo a mujeres exitosas e independientes que están frustradas con su tiroides a controlar su salud de forma natural, para que puedan recuperar su cuerpo y amar su vida otra vez así como lo hice yo. Ofrezco llamadas cortesía de 15 minutos, disponibles por pedido.



The AIP Certified Coach certification program is a general information training program facilitated by AIP Certified Coach LLC for those who already possess licenses and/or certifications in the medical, health-coaching, and/or nutrition fields and want to further their learning.

The coaches in the AIP Certified Coach directory have completed informational curriculum through the AIP Certified Coach Program. This directory is provided as a courtesy, and AIP Certified Coach LLC does not vet, endorse or recommend specific practitioners.

The AIP Certified Coach certification is not a license or board certification. It does not entitle practitioners to give nutrition counseling or address, treat, or diagnose any nutritional, medical, psychological, or physiological conditions.

Practitioners listed in the AIP Certified Coach directory are not employees, independent contractors, partners, or agents of AIP Certified Coach LLC. Certified coaches are granted limited license to use the company’s name in connection with their coaching services. The company is not responsible for, nor does it monitor, any of the coaching that is provided to private clients.

By using this directory, you agree not to hold AIP Certified Coach LLC responsible for the background, education, licensure, scope of practice, training, or clinical expertise of any practitioner you may contact through these courtesy listings. Should you experience poor service or an unsatisfactory outcome from any practitioner listed here, you will not hold AIP Certified Coach LLC responsible.

Before hiring any practitioner, you agree that it is your responsibility to investigate if their license, training, scope of practice, and expertise is a good match for your current health situation. By using this site, you agree that the use of the AIP Certified Coach Directory is at your own risk.


AIP Certified Coach LLC, and its directors, employees, partners, agents, suppliers, and affiliates, shall not be liable for any loss, claim, injury, or damage of any kind resulting in any way from any errors or omissions stemming from your use of the AIP Certified Coach directory or any services or products obtained or obtainable from the Company.