Rachelle Eason Certified Professional and Transformational Nutrition Coach

Phone: +1 360-840-5557
Email: [email protected]
Mount Vernon, Washington
*Also Practices Virtually Worldwide

Hey there! I am a Certified Professional Coach and a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach with specialties in Transitions, Wellness, Mental Health & Emotional Eating, and I am a certified Mind, Body, Eating Coach.

I work with women struggling with health and wellness issues such as emotional eating, chronic fatigue, and overwhelm. Together, we will work to get to the root cause of what is holding you back from living a life full of energy and vitality.

Dixie Mehrens FMCHC, NBC-HWC, AIP Certified Coach

Sarasota, Florida (FL)
*Practices Virtually Worldwide

I am a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, as well as an AIP Certified Coach.

My passion is supporting women with autoimmune diseases by helping them take back their health, calm their symptoms, and increase their energy through food, faith and Functional Medicine principles.

I was drawn to health coaching after overcoming my own autoimmune disease by addressing the root causes. Hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, heavy metal toxicity, SIBO, and Crohn’s disease were just a few of the biggies. But now, I have zero symptoms and feel better and more energized than I did when I was younger. I have experienced the power of lifestyle changes and food as medicine. But, going through the process alone was very difficult. That is why I felt called into health coaching.

Making substantial changes to how you eat and do life takes more than willpower. You need mental, emotional, and spiritual strength, as well as a supportive community. I’ve been there, and want to guide you through the Autoimmune Protocol whether you have tried it already and need help with troubleshooting or reintroductions, or you are considering AIP for the first time.

I share my personal and professional knowledge in virtual, online group coaching or one-on-one sessions where you will learn how to lower inflammation and begin feeding your body and soul the information it needs to function its best in a practical, sustainable, and positive way.

I want you to feel full of life again so you can do the things you’ve been called to do too!

Lucie Šitinová Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

Prague, CZ
Czech Republic

I am Lucie and I am here to help you with your autoimmune disease. My own struggle with autoimmune rheumatoid arthritis thought me how powerful changes in what you are eating and in your lifestyle can be. Let me introduce you the whole concept of AIP protocol and lead and support you through all the (sometimes pretty challenging) changes so that you can feel your best!

I am a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner since 2015, specialized in paleo and lower-carb diets and lifestyle. Now I am also an AIP certified coach, not only helping through 1:1 meetings (both in-person and online) but also teaching workshops and giving public lectures (mostly in Prague, CZ) to spread the word about AIP even more. I also offer a group coaching program.

Food is my great passion since I was a child, you can find a lot of AIP, paleo or low-carb recipes on my website. I can help you with tips about cooking, making everything easier and faster, such as cooking in batches, finding new recipes that even your family will love etc.
I am really looking forward to meeting you!

Pomůžu Vám s Vašimi autoimunitními obtížemi! Před lety mi diagnostikovali revmatoidní artritidu, ale už jsem více jak dva roky zcela bez příznaků. To mě naučilo, jak silné mohou změny v životním stylu a jídelníčku být. Ráda Vám představím celý koncept AIP protokolu a provedu Vás celým procesem (který může být docela náročný!). Přizpůsobíme Vám ho na míru, aby pro Vás byl co nejmenším stresem a přitom co nejrychlejší cestou, jak se cítit lépe!

Vystudovala jsem VŠCHT, v roce 2015 jsem si dostudovala výživové poradenství a od té doby pomáhám klientům se zájmem o paleo nebo low carb stravování. A od roku 2020 jsem i AIP kouč – pomáhám jednotlivcům, ale dělám i workshopy (online nebo na živo v Praze), abych s AIP seznámila co nejvíce lidí. Mou motivací je dát co nejvíce lidem o AIP vědět, aby mohli vzít své zdraví více do svých rukou.

Mou velkou vášní je jídlo a vaření, spoustu AIP a nízkosacharidových receptů najdete i na mém webu. Mohu Vám také pomoct s vařením, ukázat tipy a triky na zrychlení a jednodušení práce, už více než 10 let také dělám kurzy vaření pro úplné začátečníky.
Pokud Vás něco zaujalo, dejte mi vědět – těším se na naši spolupráci!

Unique Hammond, CHC Holistic Nutritionist + Certified Health Coach + AIP Specialist

*Practices Virtually Worldwide

Unique Hammond is a Crohn’s survivor, holistic nutritionist, author, certified health coach, AIP specialist, wife, and mother who has helped countless individuals discover natural wellness and live healthier lifestyles. To learn more about Unique and her refreshing, no-holds-barred approach to whole-body health, visit

After putting my severe Crohn’s into remission naturally with diet and lifestyle, helping others to create their healthiest life has become my passion and life’s mission.

You are GREAT, regardless of how broken you might feel while you battle for your health. Hang in there. You got this.

Anna Murphy-Moore East Asian Medicine Practitioner, Yoga Instructor and AIP Coach

Portland, Oregon
*Also Practices Virtually Worldwide

I’m Anna Murphy-Moore, a licensed acupuncturist and yoga instructor practicing out of Portland, Oregon. I was also diagnosed with Hashimoto’s in 2019 and discovered the AIP on my path to wellness.

In my own clinical practice over the last decade and in my own life, I have witnessed the silent epidemic of autoimmune disease. I have also seen how transformative diet and lifestyle medicine can be for those living with autoimmunity.

I integrate East Asian modalities like acupuncture and herbal medicine with diet, gentle movement and lifestyle modification to provide holistic health support. I also love to cook and eat and enjoy sharing this passion with my patients by supporting them in nourishing themselves. I believe health coaching is a natural extension of how East Asian medicine practitioners are trained to treat; empowering people to understand their unique and individual health needs and teaching them how to live lives that supports health, balance and vitality.

I see patients one on one in person and virtually. I also do group programs and teach online courses.

Jenny Davis INHC and AIP Certified Coach

Phone: +1 443-789-1072
Email: [email protected]
15 E. Main Street
Suite 109
Westminster, Maryland 21157
*Also Practices Virtually Worldwide

I am a Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach as well as an Autoimmune Paleo Certified Coach who is honored to share my passion about health and wellness.  My personal health journey is what led me to the empowering field of health coaching. For years I suffered the effects of ovarian cysts, endometriosis, migraines, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, hypothyroidism, Epstein Barr virus, Lyme disease, adrenal fatigue and depression. When traditional methods of treatment only alleviated some of my symptoms, I began searching for answers to the root causes of my health conditions and am grateful for the transformation those changes have made and continue to make in my health journey. I understand the struggles that come with an autoimmune diagnosis and how AIP can be a game changer! Having personally benefited from the Autoimmune Protocol in addition to other lifestyle changes, I am excited to combine my knowledge and skills to help others embrace this approach that allows you to enjoy, experiment and achieve a level of balance while living with an autoimmune disease.

Janine Chasco Certified Health Coach

Phone: +1 201-926-6741
Email: [email protected]
Middletown, New Jersey
*Also Practices Virtually Worldwide

Janine es Integrative Health Practitioner (IHP), Coach AIP, Sanadora del Ser, profesional del sistema Respuesta Muscular (MFT)

Janine trabaja con clientes dentro de Estados Unidos y al rededor del mundo. En su practica Janine ayuda a sus clientes a identificar las raíces (parasitos, moho, virus, metales pesados, etc) que desbalancean el organismo. Janine usa el protocolo AIP en la alimentación como una herramienta estrella en el momento de ayudarle al cuerpo cuando esta batallando con problemas inmunes demasiada inflamación.

Sera un placer trabajar contigo, recuerda que si no tomas acción por tu salud hoy, entonces cuando?

Bayley Macintosh Certified Health & Life Coach, AIP Certified Coach

Montreal, Quebec
*Also Practices Virtually Worldwide

I have a health and life coach certification from the Health Coach Institute and I am a certified AutoImmune Protocol coach!
I also have a Bachelor’s degree in Human Relations from Concordia University.

I bring not only years of schooling to my practice, but the knowledge of what it’s like to be a patient as well. I have ulcerative colitis , HPA axis dysfunction/adrenal insufficiency, and have years of experience dealing with SIBO/gut dysbiosis. I understand what it feels like to struggle with health!

I focus on creating nutrient dense diets and healthy lifestyle choices, to encourage beneficial changes. Each person is unique, and it is discovering a person’s bio-individuality that is challenging and fulfilling. I strongly believe everyone is capable of regaining wellness, with the right tools, support and accountability!

Lauren Ponder FNLP, FDN, MS

Phone: +1 864-609-7689
Email: [email protected]
Greer, South Carolina
*Also Practices Virtually Worldwide

Working with my own Autoimmune Conditions, and not finding the answers I needed, my goal was to become as educated as possible on how to heal through nutrition and other life practices. It was not my intention to do this as a career but as I started talking about my personal journey, people began asking what I was doing. I found a love of helping others navigate this space sitting in the seat of compassion and knowledge. Two things I yearned for over the course of my 8 years of searching. My philosophy is to incorporate both food and lifestyle practices in order for whole body health and healing. I encourage you to visit my website and see if I am the person to sit with you through this journey.

Ashley Flynn Certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Nutrition Response Testing

Phone: +1 978-223-5138
Email: [email protected]
280 Main Street
Suite 201
North Reading MA

Hi everyone! My name is Ashley Flynn and I am the owner of Hometown Health and Wellness in North Reading. It is my goal and passion to help heal the community through nutrition and other natural remedies. I am a wife and a mom of a toddler so I am familiar with the challenges of eating clean. I strongly believe in balance and not deprivation. My approach focuses on education, practical solutions and sustainable lifestyle changes. I offer one on one nutrition coaching along with a service called Nutrition Response Testing. Nutrition Response Testing is a form of kinesiology that determines if there are any potential deficiencies or toxins present in the body, preventing you from reaching your health goals. My services apply to all ages, genders and health goals or condition.



The AIP Certified Coach certification program is a general information training program facilitated by AIP Certified Coach LLC for those who already possess licenses and/or certifications in the medical, health-coaching, and/or nutrition fields and want to further their learning.

The coaches in the AIP Certified Coach directory have completed informational curriculum through the AIP Certified Coach Program. This directory is provided as a courtesy, and AIP Certified Coach LLC does not vet, endorse or recommend specific practitioners.

The AIP Certified Coach certification is not a license or board certification. It does not entitle practitioners to give nutrition counseling or address, treat, or diagnose any nutritional, medical, psychological, or physiological conditions.

Practitioners listed in the AIP Certified Coach directory are not employees, independent contractors, partners, or agents of AIP Certified Coach LLC. Certified coaches are granted limited license to use the company’s name in connection with their coaching services. The company is not responsible for, nor does it monitor, any of the coaching that is provided to private clients.

By using this directory, you agree not to hold AIP Certified Coach LLC responsible for the background, education, licensure, scope of practice, training, or clinical expertise of any practitioner you may contact through these courtesy listings. Should you experience poor service or an unsatisfactory outcome from any practitioner listed here, you will not hold AIP Certified Coach LLC responsible.

Before hiring any practitioner, you agree that it is your responsibility to investigate if their license, training, scope of practice, and expertise is a good match for your current health situation. By using this site, you agree that the use of the AIP Certified Coach Directory is at your own risk.


AIP Certified Coach LLC, and its directors, employees, partners, agents, suppliers, and affiliates, shall not be liable for any loss, claim, injury, or damage of any kind resulting in any way from any errors or omissions stemming from your use of the AIP Certified Coach directory or any services or products obtained or obtainable from the Company.