Megan Harnish Certified Gluten Free Practitioner, IIN Health Coach, AIP Certified Coach

Phone: 503-866-7484
Email: [email protected]
Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034
*Practices Virtually Worldwide

Were you or a member of your family recently diagnosed with Celiac Disease and told to just eat gluten free? It’s not that easy! I’m here to help you navigate gluten-free living in all aspects of life and not feel so overwhelmed.

My name is Megan Harnish and I’m a health educator and personally live with autoimmune disease. After my elementary age son was diagnosed with Celiac Disease I became passionate about understanding as much as I could about nutrition, autoimmune disease and the role diet plays in the way the body functions. I learned how food sensitivities, the microbiome, and intestinal permeability contribute to the development of autoimmune disease and other chronic health conditions. Between my education, lived experience & being the parent to a gluten free child I can help make gluten-free life easier for you. Regardless of the reason you choose to live gluten-free I can give you the tools you need to help during the transition period and in the months to years following. I understand the psychosocial impacts of the gluten free diet on children and how it affects every aspect of their lives. I offer a free consultation to learn more about your needs and how I can help.

Sheryl Cook, FNLP Functional Nutrition & Lifestyle Practitioner (FNLP)

Phone: +61 415 212 126
Email: [email protected]
Bargara, Queensland 4670
*Practices virtually worldwide

Brain fog, bloating, fatigue and pain stopping you from getting what you want out of life?

Sheryl has been working with people who wish to reduce their autoimmune symptoms since 2015.
Clients have the choice of an online self learning centre or Monthly Support Packages to learn how to best support their body with functional nutritional and lifestyle choices. This is often an area overlooked in conventional treatments, yet Sheryl continues to see the power of it, not only in my own experience but also with her clients.

You are welcome to book a free call with Sheryl to discuss how best to address your own personal health issue. Simply pop to

If you would like to be part of her community, feel free to join here: Thyroid and Autoimmune Health with Sheryl Cook | Facebook

Sarah Giordano Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

North Bend, Washington
*Practices Virtually Worldwide

I help overwhelmed women start eating for their body type so they can have better periods and boost fertility.

Jackson Penfield-Cyr Licensed Bodyworker

Hanover, New Hampshire
*Practices virtually worldwide

I’m a licensed bodywork therapist, providing manual and movement therapy for posture, pain, and performance, with special expertise in pain education, breath training, and autoimmune coaching.

My mission is to invite you into a whole new relationship with your body and mind – one empowered by scientific principles that help you make informed choices and changes in your habits, health, and well-being.

There’s a lot of health care modalities out there. I know it’s a challenge to navigate the modern health care field, a vast spectrum of industrialized medicine and alternative interventions, full of various traditions and diverse techniques. In fact, it’s overwhelming – especially when you’re in pain.

In my own healing journey, I wanted one thing: Empowerment. I wanted knowledge and experiences that gave me the information and developed skills to use intelligently in my work to resolve my chronic pain and autoimmune conditions.

This led me to avoid services and products based upon doctrine and dogma, in my search to discover the fundamental principles of human health and well-being.

Today, research in the fields of neurobiology and autoimmunity serve as the foundation of my practice.

The therapeutic services I offer invite you the opportunity to experience an education in mindful embodiment, to learn about your physical existence in our physical world, and to empower you to embrace true ownership of your health care.

For more information, please visit my website or contact me to set up a consultation.

Thank you for your consideration of your healing, health, and well-being. Have a grateful day.

Amanda Runnels, NTC Functional Nutritional Therapist Nutritional Therapist

2400 Ranchview Drive
Little Elm, Texas 75068
*Practices virtually worldwide

Hello, I’m Amanda! I’m here to support you in your journey toward optimal health. I believe sound nutrition including quality, unrefined foods are a cornerstone and prerequisite for achieving your health goals!

I was diagnosed with multiple Autoimmune disorders in 2014, including Hashimoto’s and Raynaud’s Diesease. It’s through my own adventures with chronic illness that I’ve discovered a way back to being whole and feeling my best — through better diet and lifestyle choices.

When I was first diagnosed, I was on my own in learning how to “do” this new life I’d been handed. Through trial and error, I made great strides, but also had a ton of questions and needed so much guidance that I couldn’t find!
This is why I decided to pursue an education in nutrition, to empower myself. Ultimately, this ignited a passion to empower others who may be needing guidance also!

It’s my mission to support others in their journey toward health, equipping them with the tools they need to create their best future possible. And of course, share a lot of good food and laughs along the way!

Let’s enjoy this journey together!

Laney Sisun Registered Nurse and AIP Health Coach

Phone: +1 781-696-2316
Email: [email protected]
2134 NW Aspen Ave
Portland, Oregon 97210
*Also Practices Virtually Worldwide

Hi! I’m Laney Sisun, a Registered Nurse, an AIP Health Coach, and a Crohns Disease Warrior. I also own a Paleo Bakery, called the Honey Palette, that focuses on providing Decadent Desserts for people with food sensitivities, like childhood allergies and autoimmune diseases. All are paleo, sugar-free, sweetened with honey, and some are also SCD and AIP compliant.

As a nurse, I have focused my career on working in Women’s Health and Diabetes. And as a result of having Crohns for over 20 years, I have become passionate in researching alternative diets and therapies in order to improve my own health. Not only do I follow aspects of the AIP diet, but I also follow the SCD (Specific Carbohydrate Diet), and can help with meal plans and tips combining both! Through exploration of my own health needs, I have seen major improvements with my own struggles with Psoriasis, Crohns Disease, and Lichen Sclerosis.

I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Health Education and a Bachelors of Science in Nursing. I have worked as a Diabetes Health Educator, a Cardiac Nurse, and a Labor and Delivery Nurse. I am a huge advocate for patient empowerment, and feel that as patients, we need to have control over our own health. My passions are educating people about diet as it relates to their own health needs, and guiding them towards a more fulfilling life through exploration of alternative treatments and foods. Because EVERY BODY is Different. We all have a different path, and I want to help you gain clarity so you can find your own and thrive!

Lauren Ponder FNLP, FDN, MS

Phone: +1 864-609-7689
Email: [email protected]
Greer, South Carolina
*Also Practices Virtually Worldwide

Working with my own Autoimmune Conditions, and not finding the answers I needed, my goal was to become as educated as possible on how to heal through nutrition and other life practices. It was not my intention to do this as a career but as I started talking about my personal journey, people began asking what I was doing. I found a love of helping others navigate this space sitting in the seat of compassion and knowledge. Two things I yearned for over the course of my 8 years of searching. My philosophy is to incorporate both food and lifestyle practices in order for whole body health and healing. I encourage you to visit my website and see if I am the person to sit with you through this journey.

Mary Wilson Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

Seattle Washington
*Also Practices Virtually Worldwide

Hello! I’m Mary a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition. Like you or someone you know, I’m on the autoimmune disease spectrum. I co-founded Evergreen Wellness Academy with another Functional Nutritionist who is also on the autoimmune spectrum, and our experiences are what have driven us to create Evergreen Wellness Academy for you. Our goal is to provide you with the care and support that we, like so many autoimmune warriors, never received but absolutely deserve.

The power of diet and lifestyle first caught my attention when I was informed by my doctor that I was running full speed toward pre-diabetes. Unfortunately, I did not get much guidance from my doctor and ended up having to figure out how to help myself.

In the process of learning how to balance my blood sugar, my thyroid antibodies started to come down. Symptoms related to my under-performing thyroid also began to diminish. The power of nutrient-dense food and supportive lifestyle techniques was undeniable. I knew I had to spread the word far and wide about my experience in the hopes that it would inspire others to consider doing the same for themselves.

The experience of having to educate and advocate for myself is what led me to focus on supporting women challenged by autoimmune disease. I don’t want anyone to experience the loneliness, frustration, and overwhelm that I and too many others have experienced. I’m here for you, let’s work together!

Nellie Savage BHSc. Clinical Nutrition

Phone: 0410342631
Email: [email protected]
Sydney, Australia
Practices Virtually in Australia
Practices in person in Newport NSW

Hello! My name is Nellie Savage. I’m a degree-trained Clinical Nutritionist using a highly personalised nutritional medicine approach – I look for the “why” of what’s happening for you and together we work to find an approach that meets your needs.

The AIP protocol is profoundly healing. I came across it when looking for solutions for my Mum, who has Hashimoto’s (autoimmune thyroid disease) and was struggling with fatigue, weight, and sky-high antibodies, despite being medicated for many years. Within a very short time of implementing AIP, her antibodies normalised and she felt (and looked!) like a different person, and dropped 10kg in the process. We were then able to personalise it and identify the foods that were causing her the most problem.

I also have lived experience of using AIP for mental health, and was able to avoid the progression of early Hashimoto’s. My clients have also found it profoundly healing for stubborn weight issues, inflammatory, insulin resistant and pre-diabetic conditions.

AIP is best implemented as part of a wholistic and well-monitored approach to your health. I believe the best outcomes are achieved when we work as a team, blending your knowledge and experience of your health concerns (nobody knows it better!) with my clinical experience and understanding. 

And lashings of self-compassion, kindness and support! 😊

Give me a call, and let’s talk about where things are at for you right now. 

Naomi Lewis Masters of Nutrition

90 Alamo Ave
Berkeley, California 94708
*Practices virtually worldwide

Naomi empowers her clients to become healthier individuals from the inside out. Through private consulting Naomi reveals how diet, ingredient quality, and proper food preparation all work hand in hand to create a foundation for good health. Naomi integrates her extensive culinary and nutrition background with her own life experience to help guide her clients to health. She can provide practical recipes and tips specific to your needs. Her goal is to empower you to be the driver of your own health and move at a pace that works best for you.



The AIP Certified Coach certification program is a general information training program facilitated by AIP Certified Coach LLC for those who already possess licenses and/or certifications in the medical, health-coaching, and/or nutrition fields and want to further their learning.

The coaches in the AIP Certified Coach directory have completed informational curriculum through the AIP Certified Coach Program. This directory is provided as a courtesy, and AIP Certified Coach LLC does not vet, endorse or recommend specific practitioners.

The AIP Certified Coach certification is not a license or board certification. It does not entitle practitioners to give nutrition counseling or address, treat, or diagnose any nutritional, medical, psychological, or physiological conditions.

Practitioners listed in the AIP Certified Coach directory are not employees, independent contractors, partners, or agents of AIP Certified Coach LLC. Certified coaches are granted limited license to use the company’s name in connection with their coaching services. The company is not responsible for, nor does it monitor, any of the coaching that is provided to private clients.

By using this directory, you agree not to hold AIP Certified Coach LLC responsible for the background, education, licensure, scope of practice, training, or clinical expertise of any practitioner you may contact through these courtesy listings. Should you experience poor service or an unsatisfactory outcome from any practitioner listed here, you will not hold AIP Certified Coach LLC responsible.

Before hiring any practitioner, you agree that it is your responsibility to investigate if their license, training, scope of practice, and expertise is a good match for your current health situation. By using this site, you agree that the use of the AIP Certified Coach Directory is at your own risk.


AIP Certified Coach LLC, and its directors, employees, partners, agents, suppliers, and affiliates, shall not be liable for any loss, claim, injury, or damage of any kind resulting in any way from any errors or omissions stemming from your use of the AIP Certified Coach directory or any services or products obtained or obtainable from the Company.