Christian Miranda Certified Health Coach

Santiago, Región Metropolitana
*Also Practices Virtually Worldwide

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I am an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, AIP Certified Coach and Certified TRE Provider, besides having bachelor degrees in computer engineering and pedagogy. My interest in working with people with autoimmune diseases has its roots in my own journey as a person with three different autoimmune diagnoses. As a result of this, I understand firsthand what it is like to live with a disease of this kind and everything it entails.

In my work as a coach, it is of utmost importance to empower people in order for them to have control over their own health, so I can be a companion for them in their health journey and I can provide them with theoretical and practical tools that help them achieve their goals.

It is often necessary to make lifestyle changes, which are not at all easy to make. That is why I implement coaching tools in order to approach different areas of life of the person, so that we can identify what is keeping them from achieving the results they want, and help us find a solution for that.

I work in conjunction with a functional medicine physician in order to make sure the people I work with are also receiving the appropriate medical treatment for their health condition, as I consider this fundamental.

If you need help with changing your diet, improving your lifestyle and implementing the AIP protocol in a balanced and sustainable manner, I would be happy to be your companion in that process.

Fionna Bacon Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Restorative Wellness Practitioner Level 1

Melbourne, VIC
*Practices Virtually Worldwide

Fionna empowers women to make positive dietary and lifestyle changes so they can regain their spark for life, without the overwhelm.

She honours the bio-individuality of her clients and recognises that small, incremental changes are generally more sustainable, less stressful and can yield huge health benefits.

Fionna has had her own autoimmune challenges and knows first-hand that you can reclaim your vitality after an autoimmune diagnosis.

Fionna works with clients 1:1 and runs several small group programs throughout the year.

Kelly Hatke, MNT MNT, Nutritionist

Colorado, USA
*Practices Virtually Worldwide

I believe optimum health and disease prevention occur in large part by putting the right foods in the body. Every bit of food leads us either closer to disease or closer to health.
I want to empower others on their path to wellness, to never give up on themselves, and to believe that health and feeling good are possible.

I’m a Master Nutrition Therapist (MNT), practicing in Boulder, CO (and virtually). I also work for a leading functional medicine practitioner and am a faculty member at the Nutrition Therapy Institute. I apply a functional and holistic approach to nutrition therapies including:

· Autoimmune Nutrition
· Hormone Balance
· Food Sensitivities, Intolerances, and Allergies
· Digestive Issues, Leaky Gut, Dysbiosis
· Weight Management
· Blood Sugar Imbalances
· Anti-Aging Nutrition

I received a B.S. from Purdue University, and both my CNTP and MNT diplomas from the Nutrition Therapy Institute in Denver, CO.

Jaime Brooke Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, LCSW-C

Phone: 240-298-8181
Email: [email protected]
6605 Weaver Ct.
Laurel, Maryland 20707
*Practices Virtually Worldwide

Hi! My name is Jaime, and I am a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, a licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW-C), and an AIP certified coach. I love teaching others about real, nutrient-dense foods, and the impact that they have on our health. I teach my clients how to incorporate these foods into their lives in a way that truly works for them. Through my Restart® Program, individual nutrition coaching, workshops, and whole food education, I empower others with the knowledge and skills that they need to make lasting and sustainable changes. When working individually with clients, we focus on the “root cause” of various symptoms that they are experiencing and find ways to support and bring balance in the body. You have the power to take your health to the next level. If you need a guide, I am here to support you in this next chapter of your health journey.

Jackson Penfield-Cyr Licensed Bodyworker

Hanover, New Hampshire
*Practices virtually worldwide

I’m a licensed bodywork therapist, providing manual and movement therapy for posture, pain, and performance, with special expertise in pain education, breath training, and autoimmune coaching.

My mission is to invite you into a whole new relationship with your body and mind – one empowered by scientific principles that help you make informed choices and changes in your habits, health, and well-being.

There’s a lot of health care modalities out there. I know it’s a challenge to navigate the modern health care field, a vast spectrum of industrialized medicine and alternative interventions, full of various traditions and diverse techniques. In fact, it’s overwhelming – especially when you’re in pain.

In my own healing journey, I wanted one thing: Empowerment. I wanted knowledge and experiences that gave me the information and developed skills to use intelligently in my work to resolve my chronic pain and autoimmune conditions.

This led me to avoid services and products based upon doctrine and dogma, in my search to discover the fundamental principles of human health and well-being.

Today, research in the fields of neurobiology and autoimmunity serve as the foundation of my practice.

The therapeutic services I offer invite you the opportunity to experience an education in mindful embodiment, to learn about your physical existence in our physical world, and to empower you to embrace true ownership of your health care.

For more information, please visit my website or contact me to set up a consultation.

Thank you for your consideration of your healing, health, and well-being. Have a grateful day.

Fadhel Husain Certified Health Coach

Kuwait, Kuwait
*Also Practices Virtually Worldwide

Hello, my name is Fadhel Husain
I am a health coach who is aiming to provide support for individuals living with autoimmune diseases in the Middle east. I live in Kuwait, and I am a food awareness advocate since I was diagnosed with food sensitivities in 2009.

I struggled with weight, and health issues for years since childhood, until that day when I adopted new prospectives of food, and my life just turned around. “It all starts in the gut” indeed, and I am on a journey to discover more about health and wellness, and assist those who are welling to see hope beyond ailments, symptoms, and despair.

My biggest allies, and source of comfort, are my wife Fatema, and our five children. We are a living proof that support will lead always to hope and success.

I hold health coach certificates from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, and Function Medicine Coaching Academy, in addition to Dr. Terry Wahls’ The Wahls Protocol Health Practitioner certificate, and MentorCoach, LCC Training Program of Character Strength Intervention.

Laura Morrow Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

Vienna, Virginia
*Practices Virtually Worldwide

If you’re struggling with figuring out how to eat and live healthy when you’re already so exhausted you feel like you can’t add one more thing to your plate, I can help you. This is exactly what I teach my clients – how to overcome fatigue, brain fog, and joint pain using lifestyle hacks and SIMPLE recipes that even their kids (and husbands) will eat!

Why am I so passionate about helping women with autoimmune conditions?
Because I’m one of you! I know how scary it is to suffer from pain that you can’t explain, how frustrating it is to have tests come back “normal” even though you know something is wrong, and to not know where to turn and or have anyone who truly understands. Even though multiple doctors told me I was “fine,” I knew that something was really wrong inside.

Luckily, my chiropractor recommended the Autoimmune Protocol, and within weeks I had more energy than I had experienced in years, my headaches were gone, my pain had subsided, and I was finally losing weight again! I wanted to shout what I had learned from the rooftops so that women everywhere knew that there was a way to take control of their own health and start to feel like themselves again through diet and lifestyle.

This inspired me to become a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner to support other women suffering with autoimmune symptoms. As a result of working with me personally, my clients have been able to go from struggling just to make it through the day to being able to excel at work and enjoy time with their families. They are sleeping better and are feeling less stress and anxiety, and finally feel like themselves again.

If you don’t want being healthy to feel like such a struggle anymore, I’d love to chat with you and share some of the patterns I see that could be holding you back from optimal health. If you’re ready for more energy and clarity – without all the struggle – email me at [email protected].

Veronica Padilla Certified Health Coach

Chicago, Illinois
*Also Practices Worldwide

Sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? I get it; I’ve been there too. I have Multiple Sclerosis and Hashimoto’s, and I feel good. And I know that a better-feeling-you is desperate to come out.

I’m a Functional Medicine certified health coach, a Wahls Protocol Health Practitioner, and an AIP Certified Health Coach with a career in corporate America. Real-life is hard, and I’m here to help you navigate real-world obstacles because lifestyle changes this big are simple but not easy.

I coach because I know this way of life works—I live it. And I’m passionate about sharing what I’ve learned with anyone curious and willing to put in the work. You don’t have to tackle changes this crucial alone, and I’d love to be your health partner in crime. You can do this. Let’s go!

Shari Hussenbocus, MS, RD Integrative & Functional Medicine Dietitian Integrative & Functional Medicine Dietitian

Phone: +230 5829 4881
Email: [email protected]
*Practices virtually worldwide

Are you willing to be more than just ‘meh, fiiiiine…’?

Are you prepared to dig deeper into your health issues? I mean really understand the nuts-and-bolts of YOUR health ‘knots’?

Are you ready to step outside your comfort zone to find out what works (and what doesn’t) for you so as to untie these knots?

Are you okay with the idea of working on improving your current behavioral and lifestyle habits?

Do you wish to become the master of your own health? To finally be at home in your body?

If you’re ready to build an energetic, healthy future that will tilt your world on its axis, let’s connect!

Hi, I’m Shari. I’m a functional RD (living on the tiny island of Mauritius) for people who want results. And are ready to do the heavy-lifting. (Don’t worry; I keep it real – if you have a mortgage, I won’t ask you to quit your job and become a full-time knitter of tiny pirate scarves for hamsters.)

— What kind of RD am I —
I was trained as a conventional RD. Life events (read PCOS and juvenile arthritis + lots of autoimmune issues in the family) encouraged me to relearn everything. You see, implementing conventional nutrition guidelines was making me sicker. And they weren’t helping my patients.

Over the years, I have specialized in nutrition for PCOS and digestive health.

— What to expect if you work with me —
Coaching with me goes deep – we won’t just look at what you eat or how you sleep. We’ll also explore why you eat the way you do, what you’re really hungry for. We’ll get underneath the excuses to unleash the stuff that is really holding you back from becoming a healthier, happier version of yourself.

And yes, I’ll keep you accountable.

Because if you say you’re going to do something, I’ll totally check in to see if you did!

This way, with my 100% support, YOU will craft your very own health guidelines.

Shanna Nemrow Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

Park City, Utah
*Also Practices Virtually Worldwide

I’ll never forget hearing my doctor diagnose me with the autoimmune disease, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, after many years of increasing health struggles and hitting my rock bottom. I felt a surge of hope that FINALLY I held an answer, and could get my life back!

My hope lasted all of one minute until I heard words like “no cure,” “no medicine” I could take to fix it, “lifelong diagnosis,” and nothing I could do. I become a warrior that day.

I felt willing to do just about anything to feel better. Willing to do anything to not miss another of my son’s baseball games, be able to do a mud run with my daughter again, not have to rest after taking a shower, and not have to feel varying degrees of pain, anxiety, brain fog, fatigue, and fevers every single day.

I understood I’d have to live with my autoimmune disease label for the rest of my life. But I refused to believe I’d have to live with my autoimmune disease symptoms for the rest of my life. I found a way of eating specifically designed for those with autoimmune disease: the autoimmune protocol (AIP).

The AIP helped me to not only feel better than I’d felt in years, but also to rebuild my life into something more beautiful than I imagined, But it didn’t come easy. Successfully adopting the AIP felt ALL kinds of hard to me! As a result, I decided I wanted to help others like me, which led me to becoming a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner as well as an AIP Certified Coach!

I LOVE guiding my fellow autoimmune warriors through the AIP nutrition, lifestyle, and mindset. If you feel so inspired, I’d feel so honored to be part of your team and help you find JOY while learning to live well with autoimmunity.

You and I did not choose this path, but we DO get to choose where we go from here. The rest of your life CAN be the BEST of your life. It’s up to you. Only YOU have the power to transform your life into something more beautiful than you imagined. I believe in you!



The AIP Certified Coach certification program is a general information training program facilitated by AIP Certified Coach LLC for those who already possess licenses and/or certifications in the medical, health-coaching, and/or nutrition fields and want to further their learning.

The coaches in the AIP Certified Coach directory have completed informational curriculum through the AIP Certified Coach Program. This directory is provided as a courtesy, and AIP Certified Coach LLC does not vet, endorse or recommend specific practitioners.

The AIP Certified Coach certification is not a license or board certification. It does not entitle practitioners to give nutrition counseling or address, treat, or diagnose any nutritional, medical, psychological, or physiological conditions.

Practitioners listed in the AIP Certified Coach directory are not employees, independent contractors, partners, or agents of AIP Certified Coach LLC. Certified coaches are granted limited license to use the company’s name in connection with their coaching services. The company is not responsible for, nor does it monitor, any of the coaching that is provided to private clients.

By using this directory, you agree not to hold AIP Certified Coach LLC responsible for the background, education, licensure, scope of practice, training, or clinical expertise of any practitioner you may contact through these courtesy listings. Should you experience poor service or an unsatisfactory outcome from any practitioner listed here, you will not hold AIP Certified Coach LLC responsible.

Before hiring any practitioner, you agree that it is your responsibility to investigate if their license, training, scope of practice, and expertise is a good match for your current health situation. By using this site, you agree that the use of the AIP Certified Coach Directory is at your own risk.


AIP Certified Coach LLC, and its directors, employees, partners, agents, suppliers, and affiliates, shall not be liable for any loss, claim, injury, or damage of any kind resulting in any way from any errors or omissions stemming from your use of the AIP Certified Coach directory or any services or products obtained or obtainable from the Company.